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Submitted by: Ann Stewart
“The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” (Dan.11: 32) As you have received the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, (Eph. 6: 17) you are equipped to declare with your mouth victory over your circumstances.(Rom.5: 17)
“The Word is nigh thee; even in thy mouth.” (Rom. 10: 8) God spoke the universe into existence, Jesus is the Word made flesh, and you have the Holy Spirit in you revealing the Word. Speaking God’s Words is powerful!
The centurion knew the authority inherent in the spoken word. (Mat. 8:5-13) He understood that once a command was uttered, it was done. It was never questioned. The general or king who spoke it was as good as his word. It would not change, but bring about what was ordered. God said that His Word would not return to Him void; it would accomplish that which He pleased. (Isa. 55: 11)
Seven ways to declare the Word with authority are:
1.The words of your testimony
Declare what the Lord has done for you as often as you can, and thank Him for it. As it is something that you know that you know only the Lord could have done, i.e. your salvation, healings, etc. it builds up your own faith as those who hear it. Thank the Lord daily for all His benefits and the blessings He will bestow upon you today – each and every day – even before you are aware of them. You may not realize how much you have been blessed until you look back some time later.
2.Decree out loud God’s promises over your life
This is powerful in the renewing of your mind. Do not focus on the pain and desperation of your past, but declare that the Father loves you as much as He does Jesus. (John 17) Do not look on the negatives; instead tell yourself that you are beautiful just the way you are, powerful (king/queen), chosen, prosperous, holy, etc. Find specific promises that you need to hear right now, i.e. parts or all of John 17.
3.Prophesy your future
You do not need the gift of prophesy to speak God’s Word over yourself or others. Speaking forth God’s Word is also a form of prophesy. For instance: “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth,” (3 John: 2) This is God’s wish; He has declared it! As often as you speak it, your faith will grow accordingly. You may want to say it in your own words, like: “Thank you, Lord, for loving me so much. Yes! I thank you that my soul prospers because I am saved, and that I am healed because of the cross. Therefore, I know that you will provide abundantly for me because I believe your Word!” You will be surprised how fast you have the victory over your situation!
4.Pray the Word of God
When praying, quote Scriptures regarding the situation. One of my favorites is Psalm 91. Insert your name or the person/s you are praying for, i.e. “I/my baby will not be afraid for the terror by night ” and make it personal, addressing God as you are speaking to Him.
5.Sing the Word
Sing scriptural hymns or songs, especially those that apply to a specific need. “Jesus loves me; this I know for the Bible tells me so” is not just a Sunday school ditty. The more you hear it, the more it will reinforce how much you really are truly loved! Everyone needs that affirmation. You can also take a favorite verse and sing it to your own tune! It will really become your verse – a revelation!
6.Preach the Word
Pray for God to give favor, open doors, and bring to mind a verse to share Him with friends, family, co-workers and those whom the Lord leads you to. A kind word or touch, peace in the midst of turmoil, and a joyful song can speak more eloquently than any erudite sermon!
7.Answer with the Word
Instead of debating your faith or denomination with anyone, answer with the Word. If you are not sure what Word applies, study it, ask a pastor, or better yet, invite them to church/Bible study. The Holy Spirit will guide you and speak through you.
Bless you, and remember that whenever you pray or speak God’s perfect Will in faith, it will result in victory – on earth as it is in heaven!
About the Author: Just when you think all hope is gone, the Lord comes through! The author of With Wings As Eagles has been there more than once. She teaches you how to focus past the despair into the realm where all is possible in Jesus’ Name:
You can get her inspirational biographical testimony: “With Wings As Eagles” here:
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