Canadian government faces elections speculation

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Talks of an election are beginning to rise again in the media as Canada’s Conservatives rallied last night in Toronto.

Conservative MPs came to the two day event in Toronto for a training session. It was a campaign-style event with about 5,000 party supporters. During the event, the Prime Minister talked of an expected upcoming federal election and other issues that are affecting the nation today.

“We are here to plan,” said Prime Minister Stephen Harper at the rally held on St. Patricks Day. “Plan for a future that could include an election… An election that the opposition could impose on Canadians at any time.”

This comes two days before the spring budget, which will be announced on Monday. According to Reuters, the Conservative government needs another party to support the budget. If not, this would trigger an election.

According to political analysts, the Conservatives at least need 36 to 49% support. They also have been spending a large amount of money speculated to be used for the next election. Harper stated he does not want an election but one could be called by the opposition Liberals “at any time”.

He also compared St. Patrick to the Conservative Party of Canada winning last years election.

“Legend says that St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. And last year, you, the grassroots members of the Conservative party, drove the Grits out of Ottawa. Now that’s something worth saying cheers to,” said Harper, who is of British ancestry.

The Conservative government was elected on January 23, 2006, ending twelve years of Liberal government.

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