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Turnaround Financing Solutions Might Be Just Around The Corner When A Specialist Is There To Help !
Turnaround financing? It’s associated with financing solutions and specialist techniques when your company is addressing various situations that may or may not be a crisis situation – although it probably feels like one to the Canadian business owner and financial manager.A turnaround financing specialist focuses on a number of different areas – it might be management, products, and sales, however we’re focusing on finance.Clearly we can think of financing solutions as the ‘ doctor’ that will be putting your company back in order.
Statistics tell us that over 50% of companies that are in turnaround mode are eventually ‘ saved’What then should be the goal of turnaround solutions when it comes to Canadian business financing? Ultimately the focus needs to be on getting your company back to some level of cash flow in order to meet your short term and long term obligations when it comes to debt levels.That’s ‘JOB #1 “! After that you want to be working with someone that has the long term solution in place, with enough financing that gets you to where your firm needs to be. In some cases you might also need new equipment and assets and production equipment. These can usually be acquired via bridge loans of equipment leasing strategies.We often hear the term ‘ peeling back the onion ‘ and its a good analogy for our current purposes ; because its all about seeing what isn’t working from a cash flow and profit perspective, and then putting turnaround solutions in place . These cash flow accelerator finance turnaround solutions might include:Receivables FinanceInventory FinancingAsset based lines of credit to replace existing ( or absentee) commercial bank lines ( In some cases your firm might in SPECIAL LOAN category already at your bank, and ABL lines of Credit are the perfect solution to take your company out of special loans !)Purchase Order/Supply Chain FinanceTax credit monetization (Yes, tax credits can be financed)Sale leaseback strategies via a lease or bridge loanEven suppliers/vendors can be a solid source of new credit and financing if relationships have been and can be maintained. Oh, by the way, consider your landlord in that group, and if you own your own facility it might be time to refinance for working capital and cash flow purposes.The obvious question we get from clients is pretty understandable, and they can be forgiven for asking it: ‘ Who would provide us with financing in this difficult period ‘. The reality is they are party correct in their negative assumption, of their turnaround, mostly because they are focusing on traditional lending sources. In fact many alternative financing strategies work perfectly when it comes to ‘ THE TURNAROUND ‘.That’s not to say that Canadian banks and other more recognizable solutions won’t address a turnaround – but we can assure you they will need a solid business plan that shows how the company will be fixed and how current and future cash flows and profits will be generated.So, need some help? Turnaround financing solutions to the rescue! Seek out and speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with your needs.
Stan Prokop – founder of 7 Park Avenue Financial –
http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com Originating Canadian business financing and , specializing in working capital, cash flow, asset based financing . In business 10 years – has completed in excess of 85 Million $$ of financing for Canadian corporations . Core competancies include receivables financing, asset based lending, working capital, equipment finance, franchise finance and tax credit financing .Info re: Canadian business financing & contact details: http://www.7parkavenuefinancial.com/turnaround-financing-solutions-specialist.html
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Turnaround Financing Solutions Might Be Just Around The Corner When A Specialist Is There To Help !}