Submitted by: Sarah J. Walthers
Before learning to sing or if you want to improve your singing ability, first you must learn how to sing do re mi before you can proceed with singing. Singing do re mi is a basic pitch exercise and it helps in improving your singing as well as your ear. In singing do re mi you will be more attuned to the sounds that you will be making when singing and you will be more accurate in reaching higher notes.
One of the most essential parts of singing is proper breathing whatever your goals are, whether you want to deepen your voice of improve your voice range. When you breath it should come from the lungs, why? It is because it needs to resonate from your diaphragm as well as your back. By proper breathing it gives strength to your voice overall. Before you can learn this exercise you must have a good proper breathing technique and a strong diaphragm as well. So if up to now youre still not practicing your breathing, better start now before its too late.
For you to better check on your posture try standing in front of your mirror when practicing, it will also remind you that singing should come from your entire body. You should also be able to determine your voice range when singing, because if you will go beyond your voice range you can actually damage your voice range and your vocal chords most especially. Always remember not to sacrifice your tone for voice range because your voice would not sound right anyway. If you are now ready to learn to sing do re mi and have covered the basic fundamentals in singing, you are now one step way to use the piano and start singing. You should always sing with the right keys if you are practicing and always tune in to the sound of the sound. Always bear in mind that the piano is your vocal coach and not just your background noise. It is a must that your pitch should start soft and then you crescendo to loud and then back to soft again. As you are doing this, you will learn to make adjustments to your voice to start singing really well.
In singing do re mi proper breathing technique is very important the same as with correct posture. It would be difficult on your part to sing do re mi if you do not know how to breath properly, so as not to hurt your vocal chords. Proper breathing technique can be done through several exercise, First you need to take a deep breath (inhale) and then slowly exhale. This way you can help your lungs as well as your vocal chords be ready with singing notes and even high notes.
Learning to sing can be a lot of fun, you just have to remember that you should have all the right tools and technique so the learning can progress. Accompanied with hard work and determination, there is no doubt that you will learn to sing fast and better.
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